Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sanctum ( 2011) in 3D


Could this be the career of everyone involved in this film ? Assuring that their next film MUST be better that this one .

The film is built around a simple premise , We are Explorers , We go where no one has gone before . ( thank you Gene Roddenberry ) I climb mount Everest , caves are for soft people . We go into a cave , we come out of a cave , BORING .

Except this time is it a deep cave , and we are going far down below , and a hurricane is coming , and it will fill the cave with water , we are trapped . The Only Way Out is Down , find another exit some where .

Amidst all the drama , I knew I had been in this scenario before , not personally , but in another movie . Then it came to me , DAYLIGHT , Sylvester Stallone's last action movie ever ( well until he came back and did more action movies ) . In Daylight , a group of people are trapped in a long tunnel underwater , and crawl to get out , with old Sylvester Stallone leading the way .

Just as before , foolish decisions lead to the demise of the characters , and like TEN LITTLE INDIANS , one by one they fall away . The problem with the demise of each character is that , these people are not Extreme Explorers , they do not provide the professionalism that should occur in such a disaster scenario .

From early on in the film , from the parachuting , to the "I refuse a Wet suit" , the professionalism with this bunch is not there . How can you refuse equipment , when trapped miles underground , without equipment . If you have climb Mount Everest , or dive deep in the ocean , you have a RESPECT for the situation , and the RESPECT was clearly missing . So as each of them die , you really do not care .

The feeling is not that , these are professional extreme sport types , but more a Rich People's Club and the "This Can Not Be Happening To Me" factor steps in . Nothing make me happier to see Rich People go where they should not be , get in trouble and die .

Also their is no Sylvester Stallone , so there is no HERO , no lead character , and we do not know who will survive or who will die . Again though , do you really care ?

The ride that is the film , brings one to a climax , that lacks the final umph-factor to bring the movie to an exciting close .

Now the 3D fails completely , Why , because the movie is based in a cave , narrow , tight , cramped space . Claustrophobic it is not , when the 3D kicks in , we have space everywhere around us , enough to swing a cat . So maybe the movie should be seen in 2D , even though this was filmed in 3D and not converted like so many others . Given that , the 3D was better than the Green Hornet which , was convert from 2D to 3D . The jury is still out on 3D .

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