Friday, February 25, 2011

I am Number Four ( 2011 )

The movie opens with a hunt , and the victim is Number Three . The plot continues that , Number four is aware of the demise of the first three , and he knows he is next . With his protector's guidance, ( a CĂȘpan , for those of you wanting to learn the LINGO ) they are on the run to a new town , a new school , new friends and bad guys hot on their tails . So the chase is on and story is predictable .

When buying the tickets , the female cashier warned us , and told us not to bother . Her actual words were "A Big man like you would not want to see that " .

Then while inside , on the way in to the theater , ran into a friend , who say her friends walked out on the film .

So when I sat down , I was ready for a REAL BOMB , however I was satisfied after wards with the normal junk food movie produced by Hollywood .

The problem was not the story , or the special effects ; it was the thin story and cheap special effects .

The Good Guys and the Bad Guys are from planets far, far away . They were involved in a war between the races . A War scene that is never seen , and would have cost money . For reference pull out the T2 : Judgement Day DVD , and watch the opening sequence between mankind and the machine army . This could have setup in the audience minds , the ability to accept the story .

The absence of this sci-fi homeworld world war scene , gave the story a real thin layer . You had to really work to suspense your dis-belief .

Super-powers young person smacked of "Smallville" , and there is no KRISTEN KRUEK to help the story along , just some high-school blond .

Many friends and family of who I spoke to dis-liked the film . However . . . . the audience target is not in my friends and family range .

The release of the film , between Harry Potter 7.1 and 7.2 , and before the Twilight 4.1 and 4.2 , should be an indication of whom they are targeting : They are trying to past the torch , from one TWEEN book series movie franchise to another TWEEN book series movie franchise .

The listing says the book is the first of six , and by the time we reach the sixth movie , we may have a major franchise on our hands . Are story writers are going for a Space Age Harry Potter , will we return to Krypton and take revenge and liberate our world ?

There is a lot of story line to fill in , alot of background to go through . Special Effects companies be on the alert . We could go into a all out work horse here to give Star Wars a run for their money , action figures and all .

But this is not " A New Hope " .

The major thing as the credits rolled is the name "Micheal Bay" , With Transformers 3 in the can and due for release soon , if he seeks to role over this into s success full franchise , he better start planning from now .

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