Saturday, March 12, 2011

UNKNOWN ( 2011 )

Many have accused this film of being the sequel to Liam Neeson's 2009 TAKEN , the stories are of a simple everyday man , the locations are in Europe ( Paris in TAKEN , Berlin in UNKNOWN ) and the colour and feel of the two film are very similar . Yet this is not a sequel and as such we move on .

The storyline is Professor Martin Harris is going to Berlin for a convention . Having loss his briefcase , he goes in search of it , and gets into a car accident . When he awakes it is four days later , and he has been replaced .

The ongoing storyline , is how do I survive not being who I think and I am . He fines his way into the world of "UNKNOWN"s , illegal immigrants and people with no identity in the heart of Berlin . And beings to survive ; and find his way back to his own world .

To give more would be to spoil the movie , however it is notable that the HITCHCOCK attempt , feels like a total failure by the end of the film . Somewhere a long the line , we feel the story suspense dis-belief , and the story's was unacceptability was apparent as the audience left the cinema .

The ticket price was however well worth the price of the film , multiple car chases and action fight scene between , Liam Neeson and the villains , were well directed and brought a sense of danger and excitement .

For this to become the SPY / ACTION / THRILLER movie it had set out to be , the script could have been re-written , a few more times , not in the send of the action sequences , but in the sense of characters . In the international world of espionage , there were quite a few chess pieces missing from the the board , we saw the King and the pawns , a cleaner and a replacement , but the back-up infrasture was clearly not in place .

The love interests of his wife and the illegal immigrant , clash not only in purpose , but in looks , and my audience , in one scene , had problems telling them apart . As both characters served the same purpose , on different sides of the lines draw in the film .

STINGER : For those of you interest , notice during the credits , the helicopter shot takes you from the train station , across Berlin towards the Berlin TV Tower . It may be un-important to the plot of the film , but those of us who have vacationed in , and love Germany , it is a long shot of the city , you will not see in your travels .

Buy it now on :

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