Friday, March 18, 2011

The Lincoln Lawyer ( 2011 )

When a slick Los Angeles lawyer lands what appears to be a cut-and-dry case involving a notorious Beverly Hills playboy , he thinks it's money in the bag . However , things soon take a more sinister turn . . .

Matthew McConaughey stars in , The Lincoln Lawyer , Micheal Connelly's book of the same name , as Mickey Haller , a Los Angeles based Lawyer . Wheeling and Dealing from the backseat of his car , A Lincoln . Slight of hand and deception are the normal operating procedure .

Getting a big time case , and putting the pieces together , Mr. Haller must come to terms with his moral dilemma , that he has put an innocent man is in jail and he is defending a guilty one . When his family is threatened , things get dirty .

Micheal Connelly's book is provides enough drama and intrigue to keep the movie going down to the end . As the storyline does work .

Matthew McConaughey provides an excellent performance as the slick Lawyer , the role seems to fit him , so someone has finally cast this square peg into a square hole . Marisa Tomei does equal justice to her role as a public prosecutor , a far cry from her "My Cousin Vinny" Oscar winning performance and "What Women Want" with crazy Mel Gibson .

If you are looking for the next "A Few Good Men" or a real courtroom drama like "12 Angry Men" you are in for a disappointment , the movie plays more like a detective movie , whodunit and who-REALLY-dunit . It was the butler in library with the candlestick . Everybody has a theory , the prosecutors , the defense , the victim and the truth gets lost somewhere along the way .

By the end of the film , you really do not care about any of the characters and wonder if the justice system will every really work . Lawyers in America are so loved , Mickey Haller turns out to be something of an Anti-Hero , but not a villain ; he just seems to be working the system to turn himself a dollar . Leaving everyone disappointed in the end .

Buy it now on :

For those of you following the exploits of Lawyer Mickey Haller , Micheal Connelly follows up with three more books ; The Brass Verdict , The Reversal and The Fifth Witness .

The Trailer

The Author Speaks about his Book .

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