Sunday, March 6, 2011

All Star Superman ( 2011 )

But why ? Why, oh Why ? just re-reading the plot review over on Wikipedia after having watch 76 minute the movie ; one wonders who on earth could have thought this was a good idea .

What was the suppose purpose could the story have ? No enemy to defeat , so secret plot , not even a happy ending . The battle sequences have not caring if Superman wins or loses . What could have convinced anyone to put money behind this project .

Obviously someone who has not watch SUPERMAN RETURNS .

TIME WARNER and their DC COMICS division , listen care fully to my advice . Watch the following two movies then make a Superman in Outer Space Movie .

One : Matrix 3 , watch the end sequence battle between "NEO" and "Agent Smith"

Two : Chronicles of Riddick , and watch the space ships and alien worlds it functions in .

Then write a good Superman Movie that we can all watch . As far as the cartoons go , leave them for Saturday mornings , this is 76 minutes of my life i want back . Adults if you are buying for the kids , it will occupy them for a while , but even they will watch it once and then try to sell it off on eBay .

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