Wednesday, December 22, 2010

UnStoppable (2010)

UNSTOPPABLE : Tells the tale of a couple of Every Men , not Police , not Firemen , but Railway Men , Frank Barnes and Will Colson . Who decide the best thing is to get out the way of a runaway train . Only to watch it past by and then decide to chase it down and stop it .

The plot line though simple , runs along the normal cinematic track. Incompetent worker screws up , Disaster situation endures , Jeopardy eminent , Hero saves the day .

Denzel Washington plays Frank Barnes, a old standing Railway Man , intelligent in his knowledge of operations of the system. Humble in his approach to things , but expects everyone to do their job.

Chris Pine plays Will Colson, the young rookie, he has done the course work, qualified and family connected . The first day on the job , the "OLD MAN" Frank Barnes shows him up. The decision making process seem to be over written by environmental conditions, and the young man becomes quickly frustrated .

Well as the Crisis come and then escalates , this Odd Couple becomes the Team. Performing Heroic Act after Act . Until they save the day .

With Supporting Role from Rosario Dawson , as the tech person in the booth , the film provide the normal roller-coast ride of an action film , without the emotional attachment . Had everyone died in the film , I might have left the cinema more satisfied. The drama of the heroic acts; hardly seem dangerous , the heroes are never in jeopardy, and the woo-ing and ah-ing of the wife and children watching over live television, provides the emotions of Saturday Night Boxing .

The film gets a pass as an Action film , but is doomed to be relegated to late night cable television.

Buy it now on :

The Trailer

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