Friday, December 24, 2010

Gulliver's Travels (2010)

Gulliver's Travels 3D, this movie based on the 18th century book of the same name , comes with the "modern" twist . Lemuel Gulliver is a loser , and cheats his way into a promotion , and as karma would have it , get into trouble . So now he lies to get out of trouble , and get into more trouble . Moral of the story "Do Bad, Be Bad, and Bad will come to you." But of course, the hero learns his lesson and get the girls and we all live happliy ever after in the end. *** Phooey ***

Jack Blacks plays , well Jack Black , he is suppose to play Lemuel Gulliver , but as with all movie Jack Black is Jack Black . At this point of the decade , i am wondering, how long will the public maintain him as a Leading Man . I have come to the conclusion that Jack can not Act . Moving into the genre of children's movie will not expand his mass appeal or resurrect his failing career.

Billy Connolly and Amanda Peet , despite there great acting ability were unable to save the film . The Humour was enough to sink the film .

The film plays out a normal sequence of events .

Special Effects : 3D film , gave the movie depth that the acting clearing could not .Watch out for the 3D Ocean scene , with flash back to "the Perfect Storm" . After that it is an exercise in practice , with the 3D not establishing the presence or reflecting the size difference need for the story.

Basically the movie was like junk food , you feel you have eaten a meal , yet you are not quite satisfied , and left you feeling for more . Had the film be planned and thought out , it may have reflected some of the original ideas brought out by the book . The battles of little people , little politics and little ideas . The praising of Big people , with no ideas and no leadership skills.


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