Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Town ( 2010 )

The Town (2010) : This Bank Robbery Flick , Came on in September 17th 2010 , and i gave it a miss . I skipped it mostly because Ben Affleck was in it , and he directed it too , and I have become fed up of being disappointed by him .

However I caught in on the DVD , and what pleasantly surprise , the film though not FRESH , holds it own against many other films . The characters were real , bay guys and good guys , the female lead plays simple bank manager , ignorant of her surroundings .

During the course of three bank robberies in the film , the tension , drama and action is consistent and well worth watching . Watch for the car chase in the second bank robbery .

The Criminals are true to their nature , almost to the point of making them the anti-heroes of the film. The FBI agent chasing them is far less interesting , boring to the point of making the catching of the criminals un-important. So when the leading lady takes an interest in both a criminal and the FBI agent , no one wants her to end up with the FBI agent.

The Trailer

Friday, December 24, 2010

Gulliver's Travels (2010)

Gulliver's Travels 3D, this movie based on the 18th century book of the same name , comes with the "modern" twist . Lemuel Gulliver is a loser , and cheats his way into a promotion , and as karma would have it , get into trouble . So now he lies to get out of trouble , and get into more trouble . Moral of the story "Do Bad, Be Bad, and Bad will come to you." But of course, the hero learns his lesson and get the girls and we all live happliy ever after in the end. *** Phooey ***

Jack Blacks plays , well Jack Black , he is suppose to play Lemuel Gulliver , but as with all movie Jack Black is Jack Black . At this point of the decade , i am wondering, how long will the public maintain him as a Leading Man . I have come to the conclusion that Jack can not Act . Moving into the genre of children's movie will not expand his mass appeal or resurrect his failing career.

Billy Connolly and Amanda Peet , despite there great acting ability were unable to save the film . The Humour was enough to sink the film .

The film plays out a normal sequence of events .

Special Effects : 3D film , gave the movie depth that the acting clearing could not .Watch out for the 3D Ocean scene , with flash back to "the Perfect Storm" . After that it is an exercise in practice , with the 3D not establishing the presence or reflecting the size difference need for the story.

Basically the movie was like junk food , you feel you have eaten a meal , yet you are not quite satisfied , and left you feeling for more . Had the film be planned and thought out , it may have reflected some of the original ideas brought out by the book . The battles of little people , little politics and little ideas . The praising of Big people , with no ideas and no leadership skills.


Megamind (2010)

Release date: 5 November 2010

Rated: 8/10

The film revolves around the tale of two alien babies who make their way to earth. Megamind (voiced by Will Ferrell) is mostly misunderstood and decides to be a super villain and his enemy and superhero Metro Man (voiced by Brad Pitt). The tale begins with Metro Man landing by a Rich family and growing up with a silver spoon in his mouth. Megamind on the other hand landed in a jail yard and was raised by criminals.

Megamind revolves his life around destroying Metro Man but his plans are predictable and never work. So he is shocked when he finally succeeds in his diabolical plan and becomes
the ruler of Metro City. At first he is extremely happy and uses the city as his play ground. He later realizes that his life lacks purpose now that he has achieved his life goal of destroying Metro Man and he becomes very bored.

Megamind concocts a plan to create a new Metro Man by fusing some of Metro Man’s DNA with an ordinary citizen. He chooses the camera man of Roxanne Ritchi (voiced by Tina Fey and a reporter he has a crush on). This new found hero is known as Titan (voiced by Jonah Hill). Megamind hopes that Titan would challenge him much as Metro Man does but Titan is more interested in being a super villain as a love triangle ensues between Megamind, Roxanne and Titan.

Megamind now finds himself in a dilemma, he must give up his super villain ways and become Metro City’s super hero. The battle is on and Megamind has the help of his faithful Minion (voiced by David Cross) who has been with him since childhood.

The 3D effects of the movie were good and the movie was quite enjoyable. It is comedic and also gives the audience some life lessons on satisfaction and the “grass being greener on the other side”. This movie can be enjoyed by both adults and children equally. The audience could relate to the characters and feel for their personal situations. You won't regret watching this movie and you would get some laughs along the way.

Official Website: http://www.megamind.com/



Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tangled (2010)

Release Date: 24 November 2010

Rated: 9/10

This movie is Disney’s remake of the old fairytale of Rapunzel and was a great twist on the childhood story. Going to the show as an adult you may think that there is nothing to offer. As the movie is rated PG and it is not like other animations today where there is a subliminal adult undertone. The movie is a children’s movie but it is not only limited to children. It is quite entertaining to children and adults alike and you would not regret going to see this movie.

The film is based around Rapunzel (voiced by Mandy Moore) who is stuck in a tower all her life. Unknowing to herself she is a princess who was stolen at birth by the person she believes to be her mother because of her magic hair. Her only friend is that of a chameleon named Pascal who stays with her in the tower day and night. Rapunzel longs to go beyond the tower and see what is out in the real world but her mother knowing that she is indeed the lost princess forbids her from leaving the tower.

The leading hero in the movie is that of Flynn Rider (voiced by Zachary Levi) who is in fact a thief on the run. He climbs up into Rapunzel’s tower to get away from the police and a pesky and persistent police horse named Maximus. This is where the hero and heroine meet. They go on a journey that is full of ups and downs, twists and turns to the palace to see the lights (that are only sent out on Rapunzel’s birthday in search of her) and along the way they fall in love.

Toward the end of the story Rapunzel has to choose between her freedom and her love.

The movie is a great one to see, there is chemistry between the characters and the audience could relate to every character of the film. The film has some musicals but none are tacky and all fit well into the story line making it even more enjoyable to see. The 3D effects in the movie are quite good (especially the scene with the floating lanterns). This movie is definitely a must see and gets two thumbs up. It is a lot of fun, adventurous and quite comedic. I strongly recommend that everyone go watch this film.

Official Website: http://adisney.go.com/disneypictures/tangled/

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangled

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsYKF8ecC8g&feature=fvw

The Trailer

A Tangled World: Creating the Look

How Do You Know (2010)

How Do You Know is a romantic comedy , that is without the romance or the comedy .

The Romance is suppose to rotate around professional baseball player Lisa Jorgenson, an executive George Madison and a major-league pitcher "Matty".

The Love Triangle storyline does not seem to work mostly because the characters are not in love . Lisa and Matty are together from before the begining of the film , so we never see them meet , they only seem to be together due to the fact that they are both professionals in the same sport. Should they wed and move on in life , to expect the children to dominate the sport of Baseball . George Madison, however is around taking advantage of the rocky relationship between Lisa and Matty .

The Comedy comes from situation to situation , and is never the same format twice . Witty comments lead to Revealing Facts to MisSpoken words to Misunderstandings , and rather than being a smooth comedy , the audience is unaware of what is going to be thrown at them next .

To add to the mayhem , everyone is in a CRISIS mode , with Lisa being dropped from her team , George begin charge with a federal crime , and Matty trying to have; what appears to be his first or last "SERIOUS" relationship in his life with Lisa . Meanwhile George's Father Charles Madison, played by Jack Nicholson, is trying to keep his son out of jail , for good measure.

The problem is the CRISIS mode , plays as a back drop for the romance , it is never really addressed , and is never really resolved . While the romance playing the lead in the storyline , has everyone confused and off-balanced . Social issues learnt by most of us , by our first loves and high school romances , were skipped over by all of the love triangle characters . Characters being in their 30s , but behaving like this is their first time in a romantic relationship , is not bought by the audience . The level of maturity for people in their 30s is not there .

Buy it now on :

The Trailer

The Bloopers

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

UnStoppable (2010)

UNSTOPPABLE : Tells the tale of a couple of Every Men , not Police , not Firemen , but Railway Men , Frank Barnes and Will Colson . Who decide the best thing is to get out the way of a runaway train . Only to watch it past by and then decide to chase it down and stop it .

The plot line though simple , runs along the normal cinematic track. Incompetent worker screws up , Disaster situation endures , Jeopardy eminent , Hero saves the day .

Denzel Washington plays Frank Barnes, a old standing Railway Man , intelligent in his knowledge of operations of the system. Humble in his approach to things , but expects everyone to do their job.

Chris Pine plays Will Colson, the young rookie, he has done the course work, qualified and family connected . The first day on the job , the "OLD MAN" Frank Barnes shows him up. The decision making process seem to be over written by environmental conditions, and the young man becomes quickly frustrated .

Well as the Crisis come and then escalates , this Odd Couple becomes the Team. Performing Heroic Act after Act . Until they save the day .

With Supporting Role from Rosario Dawson , as the tech person in the booth , the film provide the normal roller-coast ride of an action film , without the emotional attachment . Had everyone died in the film , I might have left the cinema more satisfied. The drama of the heroic acts; hardly seem dangerous , the heroes are never in jeopardy, and the woo-ing and ah-ing of the wife and children watching over live television, provides the emotions of Saturday Night Boxing .

The film gets a pass as an Action film , but is doomed to be relegated to late night cable television.

Buy it now on :

The Trailer

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Tourist (2010)

The TOURIST : This American remake of the French Film , is pitched to the public as a Thriller film, but plays out more like the final act of a Heist Film.

There was absolutely nothing Thrilling about the film's story , and as such we move from act to act , with little to no substance . A Thriller uses the elements of suspense, tension and excitement, none of which appears in the movie. However being a Heist movie, we continue down a road , "whodunit" and where is the money ?

Angelina Jolie plays the role of a typical European trend-setter , set out on a road for love, or is it revenge, for Alexander Pearce. The character is cold, unfeeling and never too bothered . Hence the audience is unable to believe that there any real love between her and the mystery man. So should she run into him , would she embrace him or kill him ?

Johnny Depp plays the role of the victim, a Wisconsin math teacher, an innocent by-stander brought into their world of criminal activity, only to fall in love with the leading lady. But again Angelina's cold personality brings the relationship on screen, to the high-school behavior of "prom queen" and the "nerd" .

As the film continues, and INTERPOL and the MAFIA get involved, she abandons him to his mundane life, but having been bitten by the love bug, he must come to her rescue. Laughable and stupid , is actually what it comes to. The Knight in Shinning Armour syndrome fails , thus the audience disappointment in the ending .

The Trailer