Friday, February 25, 2011

I am Number Four ( 2011 )

The movie opens with a hunt , and the victim is Number Three . The plot continues that , Number four is aware of the demise of the first three , and he knows he is next . With his protector's guidance, ( a Cêpan , for those of you wanting to learn the LINGO ) they are on the run to a new town , a new school , new friends and bad guys hot on their tails . So the chase is on and story is predictable .

When buying the tickets , the female cashier warned us , and told us not to bother . Her actual words were "A Big man like you would not want to see that " .

Then while inside , on the way in to the theater , ran into a friend , who say her friends walked out on the film .

So when I sat down , I was ready for a REAL BOMB , however I was satisfied after wards with the normal junk food movie produced by Hollywood .

The problem was not the story , or the special effects ; it was the thin story and cheap special effects .

The Good Guys and the Bad Guys are from planets far, far away . They were involved in a war between the races . A War scene that is never seen , and would have cost money . For reference pull out the T2 : Judgement Day DVD , and watch the opening sequence between mankind and the machine army . This could have setup in the audience minds , the ability to accept the story .

The absence of this sci-fi homeworld world war scene , gave the story a real thin layer . You had to really work to suspense your dis-belief .

Super-powers young person smacked of "Smallville" , and there is no KRISTEN KRUEK to help the story along , just some high-school blond .

Many friends and family of who I spoke to dis-liked the film . However . . . . the audience target is not in my friends and family range .

The release of the film , between Harry Potter 7.1 and 7.2 , and before the Twilight 4.1 and 4.2 , should be an indication of whom they are targeting : They are trying to past the torch , from one TWEEN book series movie franchise to another TWEEN book series movie franchise .

The listing says the book is the first of six , and by the time we reach the sixth movie , we may have a major franchise on our hands . Are story writers are going for a Space Age Harry Potter , will we return to Krypton and take revenge and liberate our world ?

There is a lot of story line to fill in , alot of background to go through . Special Effects companies be on the alert . We could go into a all out work horse here to give Star Wars a run for their money , action figures and all .

But this is not " A New Hope " .

The major thing as the credits rolled is the name "Micheal Bay" , With Transformers 3 in the can and due for release soon , if he seeks to role over this into s success full franchise , he better start planning from now .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Season Of The Witch - (2011)

The Season of the Witch seems like a Medieval Historical tale out of the Dark Ages blended into an action movie starring Nicholas Cage, Ron Perlman as two Knights and Clair Foy as the resident witch all thrown into a callaloo soup of black plague and disease and death.Directed by Domonic Sena.

Honestly this movie is so predictable and boring from the on set you already get an idea of the ending of the movie within the first twenty minutes of it beginning, fortunately I had an incentive to stay.
The story starts with a witchcraft obsessed Priest who leads the Knights to slaughter innocent women and children after which they abscond their duty to the knighthood.

Essentially What you get is a Witch in a cage playing mind games with the Knights for the whole road to the monastery and grotesque looking disease suffers that could make Lady Gaga look pretty and the quest to find the Key of Solomon.

I would say it's rubbish but the theme in this movie seems to be recycle.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Black Swan ( 2011 )

Black Swan is a psycho sexual thriller starring Natalie Portman as Nina a dancer in the New York Ballet Company.

The company is preparing for a production of Swan Lake and the Director needs a new Principal dancer as the star Beth is retiring. The lead must be able to portray both the innocent white swan and the evil black swan. Nina is selected to compete for the part along with newcomer in the ballet company Lily. Nina goes to see the director to ask him for the role but he tells he although she will make an excellent white swan her lack of passion will not make her suitable for the black swan role. He forces a kiss on her and she bites him which makes him see some potential for being dark so he gives her the role. Lily is cast as her understudy.

During rehearsals Nina is excellent as the white swan but a poor black swan the director tell her she has to stop being so rigid and lose herself in the black swan role.

Nina becomes paranoid that Lily wants to take the lead role from her and starts to hallucinate and become delusional.
One night Lily shows up by Nina’s door and invites her to go out for drinks. At first Nina refuses but after a fight with her controlling mother she goes out with Lily. Lily offers Nina drugs which lower her inhibitions and she becomes sexually aroused. When they return to the apartment they lock themselves in Nina’s room and have passionate sex.

Nina wakes up late for her rehearsal and when she arrives she sees Lily playing the Swan Queen. She confronts Lily and asked why she didn’t wake her up. Lily says she spent the night with a guy and not at Nina’s, it is revealed that Nina was hallucinating.

The night before the opening night Nina rehearses late and continues to hallucinate, at home she imagines the paintings on the wall mocking her and she sees little black growths on her back, when she pulls them out it appears to be feathers. Her eyes turn blood red and her legs contort like those of a swan, she falls and knocks herself out on her bedpost.

She awakes the night of her performance locked in her bedroom by her mother who said she called the dance company and told them she is unwell and will not be able to perform. She physically fights with her mother and heads to the show where the Director has asked Lily to take over the role; Nina disregards this and tells Thomas she is able to perform.

During the first act Nina is distracted and the Prince drops her, she returns to the dressing room and finds Lily dressed in the Black Swan costume. A fight ensues where Lily changes form from herself to Nina, Nina and her double battle where Nina pushes her against a mirror which shatters, she then takes up a piece of glass and stabs her, the body then changes back to Lily and Nina hides the body.

She dances the black swan passionately imagining black feathers growing all over her body and her arms becoming wings. She receives a standing ovation from the audience.

Back in her dressing room she is preparing for the final act when someone knocks on the door, it is Lily who comes to congratulate her on her performance. She realizes the fight was another hallucination and sees a wound on her body and realized that she stabbed herself. She stills performs the final act where she dances passionately as the dying white swan. In the last scene when she throws herself of a cliff the theatre erupts in applause and the cast comes to congratulate her on her performance. Lily sees Nina wound, Nina lies wounded saying “I was perfect”.

This was one of the most overhyped movies; I think the billing was wrong- a Psycho Sexual thriller, there was nothing either thrilling or sexual about the film except for the imagined lesbian scene.

Although Natalie Portman looked the part of a Ballerina maybe through a strict diet the story line did not call for her to do much as an actress. She just had to play a sad girl with a controlling mother and look fearful. Even her innocence and naiveté was annoying -you can’t be that perfect.

I won’t recommend paying the money to see but if you are the artsy type and wish to see a Ballet it’s probably worth a look just don’t expect much.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

127 Hours ( 2010 )

Every so often ,something exceeding stupid happens to someone , you see it all the time on YouTube or America's funniest Home Videos . Someone trips and falls down the stairs , gets hit in the private areas , and so on . The thing is , you never ever really think , that person is going to be you .

Welcome "Aron Ralston" , mountain climber / idiot / hero , he get trapped , and must come to terms with the actions he must take to survive . Cutting off part of his arm .

The funny thing about the story is, it is so stupid . I can only wonder is there some guy out there DEAD under a rock , cause he did not have a knife or the courage to cut of a limb .

Danny Boyle is a A-Class director and it shows in the film . James Franco again a great actor has done great acting .

But the story sucks , a book yes , morning talk shows yes , but movie , this is a define NO . For some reason the story failed to connect with me , and the high ratings on other movie review site make we wonder , what am I missing ?

He is really not a likable person , and the rock does a very poor acting job .

Nominated for six Academy Awards , Best Actor , Best Picture , Best Adapted Screenplay , Best Film Editing , Best Original Score and Best Original Song .


Monday, February 21, 2011

The Rite ( 2011 )

A young man disillusioned enters the seminary , this starts the audience down the road of disbelief , looking for his way through life .

In an attempt to get out while the get out is good , he is send off to the Vatican , on a course on exorcism .

Still a doubter , he is then passed on again to a third priest , Father Lucas .

This is actually where the story begins , the believer and the non-believer . The master of knowledge versus the master of faith . There is a logical explanation for everything versus we know so little of the spiritual world . And the battle begins . . . .

But of course , faith stumbles , with a lost of life . And as almost , the modern world view wins , he stumbles too.

The two must together , and overcome "the Rite" .

Most of the online discussions are whether or not this is a "Horror" movie . The content for the movie certainly falls into the category of horror , but if you were looking for "spinning heads" or "pea soup" you would be disappointed . To be quite honest , I jump three times during the film , mostly because I had accepted the story and was going along with it , when the movie monster jumps at the priest .

Anthony Hopkins plays the wise old hermit priest , Father Lucas , who you want to like , and you want to see live at the end . It is a far throw from him "Hannibal Lecturer" portrait .

Colin O'Donoghue has little to play with character wise , the acting is 2 - Dimensional , because the character is 2 - dimensional , the typical love interest does not play off due to his training as a priest . He wants to be a priest , he does not want to be a priest .

Marta Gastini makes her english-speaking debut , and I hope everytime people film in Italy , they cast in the movie .

Italy itself is a major character in the film , look out for it in the background , coffee shops , streets , the Colosseum and the Vatican .

The Film is well worth watching , at home on cable , rent the dvd or in the cinema , nothing in the film would be missed on the small screen .

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The King's Speech ( 2010 )

Prince Albert, Duke of York ( played by Colin Firth ) is doomed to become King of England , when his brother abdicates the throne . He does not know he is to become King , but as Prince he must still speak in public , which he is unable to do .

The Duchess of York ( Helena Bonham Carter ) thee ever faithful and supportive wife ( younger people know her as "Queen Mum" ) , seeks out the Lionel Logue ( Geoffrey Rush ) , a "Doctor" of Linguistics . After all others have failed .

Having taken on the Royal patient , much time is spend getting over the protocol , and enforcing the patient/doctor relationship .

As things start to unravel in the Royal household , Lionel Logue challenges Prince Albert , to become the man , stepping up to a destiny brought upon him by his brother's u-turn in life . Prince Albert does not take to the advice too well .

Eventually the two come to terms with each other , only to be challenged by Royal Politics .

The story speaks to two characters support to King George VI , speech therapist Lionel Logue and wife Queen Elizabeth . These two give great measure and success to the reign of King George VI , before and after he becomes King .

To speak for the acting and the directing , I should say the film deserves every award and nomination it has received , from the Toronto film Festival, BAFTA and the Oscars .

Look out for Albus Dumbledore, Michael Gambon as King George V .

I had plan on skipping this film , but a night out at a restaurant with my parents , led us off to the cinema ; and I let them pick the film .

The show is well worth the ticket price , and should be seen by all .

The lessons that rich people have problems too , and have to work to overcome them is lost by most of the population .

I did get lost sometimes , in short discussions about the Royal Family ; though i was aware of the Madness of King George III , the lost of Prince Albert's brother at age 13 , I had missed in my history reading . Yet it maybe the first film in a long time to make the Royal Family appear almost human , instead of the blue blood / aristocrats , portrait elsewhere .

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Little Fockers ( 2010 )

The sequel to Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers .

Greg “Gaylord” Focker and his wife Pam are now parents of 5 year old twins Samantha and Henry.

Jack learns that his other daughter’s, Deborah, husband has been cheating on her and has ask for a divorce. He also begins having health issues and had to defibrillate himself in order to keep it a secret from his wife and daughters. He starts thinking about life and death and decides to make Greg the Patriarch of the family –the “God Focker”.

Jack starts to reconsider his decision after he starts to think Greg is having an affair with a young pharmaceutical sales representative who is selling an erectile dysfunction drug. Greg is also angry when he meets Deborah’s ex husband at a convention and learns jack offered him the role of the Patriarch first –the “Bob father”. At the hospital when Henry gets in an accident Jack sees Andi and Greg together and tells Pam that he thinks Kevin is better for her and it’s not too late. This upsets Greg who tells the family Jack had a heart attack two weeks ago.

Greg spends the night away from home; Andi visit with wine and gets drunk and kisses Greg which Jack sees.
The next day at the kids’ birthday party Jack and Greg get in a fight where Jack goes into cardiac arrest again, they eventually make up where Jack says it was always Greg and never Bob who should be the Patriarch.

Greg’s parents had minor roles in this part as his Mom is a talk show host and his dad went to Spain to learn Flamenco dancing. They both however attend the twins birthday party
Part three had a similar storyline to part one- the same mistrust between Jack and Greg; Kevin’s obsession with Pam. Jack stalking Greg.

There were some good laughs and funny situation, good if you bored and have nothing else to do; I would recommend waiting for the DVD

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Dilemma ( 2011 )

The Dilemma : is about two life long friends and business partners -Ronny and Nick. Ronny has a gambling problem and a fear of commitment but is in a long term relationship with Beth . Nick is married to Geneva .

When they score a deal with General Motors’ Geneva suggests to Ronny that Beth is as good as it gets and he should propose to her . Ronny agrees and tells Nick he got a deal which will allow him to purchase a $20,000 ring for $10,000 .

Ronny wants the perfect proposal and goes to a botanic garden where he sees Geneva kissing another guy . Of course he falls into poisonous plants and concocts a lie when Beth asks him about it . She becomes suspicious when the $10,000 falls out his pocket .

Ronny confronts Geneva and it is revealed they have a history together before she met Nick which they kept a secret from Beth and Nick . Geneva threatens to tell Nick and Beth that Ronny made moves on her and that he is lying, Geneva also says Nick has been neglecting her and visiting massage parlours .

Ronny follows both Nick (where he confirms Nick visits a Vietnamese massage parlour) and Geneva where he sees she and Zip having sex . He takes some pictures for proof to give to Nick but he is caught by Zip after Geneva leaves and a fight ensues .

Ronny gives a very inappropriate speech at Beth’s parents 40th wedding anniversary which makes everyone suspicious .

Nick follows Ronny when he goes at Zip’s to ask for his camera . Zip holds a gun and cries for his fish and demands $10,000. Ronny gives him $1000 which nick sees .

When Ronnie gets home that night there is an intervention as they all assume he has started to gamble again and that Zip is his bookie - Nick , Beth , his sister , Geneva and even zip are all present with a therapist .

All is revealed at the intervention .

The movie is a funny plot - a comedy of errors, and really begs the question what do you do when if you find out a friend’s spouse is cheating?

Queen Latifah has a small but funny role as an alpha female GM executive and Channing Tatum captures Zip’s bad boy with an inner sensitivity perfectly .

Although it is a comedy Jennifer Connelly captures the role well but shows that her genre should really be drama and independent films, the role was too simple for an actress of that standing.
The film is worth seeing .