Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Green Hornet ( 2011 )

The Green Hornet ( 2011 ) in 3-D : The movie is based on a 1930s Radio program and then 1960s TV show with Bruce Lee . Now the 2011 , the Movie .

However we face the same slapstick , "make it funny" as of most of the reboots of the 21st Century , following on Charlie's Angels , Starsky and Hutch and so on , it is funny . However the saving grace is that is it is an action movie too . Not the Charlie's Angels funny or Starsky and Hutch funny . It is Seth Rogen funny .

So basically your like or dis-like of this movie balances on the question : Do you Like Seth Rogen ?

Jay Chou is relegated to Straight Man , playing Abbott to Setn's Costello , and takes the role of action hero , with most of the stunts falling to him . Leaving him the more favored character throughout the movie .

Cameron Diaz , in all her beauty appears , but that is about the length of it . She plays the love interest , of whom I do not know . But fails to have a purpose in the film , and leaves one wondering if she is hoping for more in a sequel , playing a Villian QUEEN BEE .

Battlestar Galactica fans would be please to see Edward James Olmos , playing the newspaper mentor . However not fulling his full acting potential , mostly due to the small part .

Was it worth the 3D ? I am hard press to site a scene where the 3D made the film better than the normal 2D . Some smoke and glass were flying around , and made me blink twice , but that was about it .

I expect the film to be as popular as the original TV series , and break even enough to spawn the sequel , and with a dry spell in the cinema , this could do the job of filling quite a few seats . But a CLASSIC , no .

The Movie Keeps begging the question, TO SPOOF or NOT TO SPOOF ?

IF you are a fan of the original , by all means go and see it on the big screen, but for the rest of us , it is just a night out of the house .

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