Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Mechanic ( 2011 )

The Mechanic , stars Jason Statham as "The Transporter" fella , actually his name is Arthur Bishop , but it did not really make any difference . I am afraid Jason Statham is type-casted and that is that .

Anyways , is only after leaving the cinema with MOM , she says she has seen it before . Naturally I do not believe her ; after years and years i should know better ; and a visit to old IMDB proves her right again , Charles Bronson no less . Though mom swore the movie was "Death Wish" , we determine that it was in fact The Mechanic ( 1972 ) .

Anyways , movie starts and Jason Statham is Arthur Bishop , a Hit man for hire . We all know Hit Man for hire , Take one contract , take another so on and so on it is life .

Then the Company has to do some internal cleaning , then the internal cleaning gets messy . And we all develop a conscience . Then we all have to make amends . Train the orphan , and the orphan screws up , and then the penny drops .

The Internal cleaning is a hoax , and the bad guy is the good guy and the good guy is the bad guy ; and now we need to go for Revenge . After just teaching our orphan Revenge gets you killed . BLah BLah BLah BLah ! ! !

BLuring the Line between right and wrong , business and pleasure , que sera sera .

Gun battles a blazing , would make any cowboy western proud . Yet this does not allow the great Jason Statham's mixed martial arts to be seen , and the few hand to hand sequences are poorly cut and unpleasant to watch . Begging the question is Jason Statham getting too old to do fight scenes ?

Ben Foster , i am afraid , plays out like a poor man's Edward Norton . The orphan does not develop sympathy in the situation and thus leaving Statham in the Hero role .

a BIG UP , to Mini Anden , I hope to see more of her, in more movies , or in the flesh .

Basically an effect movie , but nothing worth going to pay ticket price for , unless the boys want to go out for the night and then go out for beer afterwards .

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

TRON ( 2010 )

TRON ( 2010 ) : What do you write about a sequel done 28 years after the first movie ?


After the first film , Kevin Flynn spends time going into "the GRID" and out in the real world . Building "the GRID" inside , but in 1989 , he failed to return .

Now his son is looking for him , Sam Flynn , naturally entering the "the GRID" .


Basically the USER , Kevin Flynn has lost control of "the GRID" and CLU has taken over . So much for storyline .

Special Effect , YES go see it in 3D , YES go see it in iMax , YES GO AND SEE IT .
Finally in the last 12 months, with the resurgence of 3D , this is the film that makes it worth while . I expect alot more from the science fiction in 3D and with this film , expect a onslaught of copycats .

Could the action sequences be better ? YES .

But the movie is a must-see on the large screen in 3D , the Blu-Ray or DVD is just not going to cut it this time around .

Trailer #1 and #2

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Warrior's Way ( 2010 )

THE WARRIOR'S WAY , written and directed by Snmgoo Lee is set against a unique background of an old west town, whose residents are all circus performers. This is a really fancinating idea which he did not use to the it's fullest potential as he seemed to want to be the Quentin Tarantino of the old west and gives us lots of GUTS and GLORY .

Again we get a Sexually repressed Ninja as the leading man . . . . . . . . . . . how the population of China passed a billion is a mystery .

Who would pass up the chance to be with a fiery , sexy and always breathlessKate Bosworth ? ? ?

Snmgoo Lee brings in the gang of outlaws in the typical way , with no circus man able to stand up to them . . . . . . . . . . . . who been watching too many old westerns ? ? ?

The Outlaws return and all hell breaks loose .

Finally some action , but then the ninjas show up and join in so , we are given everything . . . . . . . . . . . . . . six shooters , dynamite , snipers , swordfighting and ninjas floating through the air .

As he snubs the western audience he gives two endings , or is he having one for the west and one for the east . . . . I was left wondering .

This is an enjoyable filmif taken at face value . But , is comical in it's approach .

The Trailer

Thursday, January 20, 2011

HereAfter ( 2011 )

Hereafter is a story of three people , the survivor , the left behind and the communicator . Surviving a near-death experience , and left-behind by a sibling and rejecting a gift , these three individuals are unable to move on in life .

Death haunts each of them in their own way , and each seeks their own way out of the shadow that has been casted over them . Yet , after watching the film , one must ask , DID I CARE ?

Everyday each one of us in our own life struggle to overcome what has happen before and what is going to come ? Why does this film reach out and want us to care .
The story follows the model of "WAR and PEACE" and the 1984 Mini-series V . Each of the characters tell their own story and it has nothing to do with each other , and the writer then very effectively pull all into spitting distance of each other , only to flee each others company . Of course persistent and dedication results in the happliy ever after ending .

Matt Damon , maintains his acting and plays the role perfectly as it is written . Though not an oscar winning performance , one can see the direct influence of veteran Clint Eastwood on the screen .

Cécile de France , is also made for the role , the casting director is due for raise , her role as French Journalist , fits her like a glove .

Bryce Dallas Howard , her departure from the film is done as quick as she enter , but her part is essential in giving Matt Damon the personality of a damage person , only after exposing her characters deep dark secret .

Clint Eastwood , is not getting any awards for this , but he has made a good film , three different people , from three different cultures , have come together and repaired themselves . Basically re-telling the myth that there is someone out there for everyone . A love story in disguise .

Definitely a first date movie .

The Trailer :

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Green Hornet ( 2011 )

The Green Hornet ( 2011 ) in 3-D : The movie is based on a 1930s Radio program and then 1960s TV show with Bruce Lee . Now the 2011 , the Movie .

However we face the same slapstick , "make it funny" as of most of the reboots of the 21st Century , following on Charlie's Angels , Starsky and Hutch and so on , it is funny . However the saving grace is that is it is an action movie too . Not the Charlie's Angels funny or Starsky and Hutch funny . It is Seth Rogen funny .

So basically your like or dis-like of this movie balances on the question : Do you Like Seth Rogen ?

Jay Chou is relegated to Straight Man , playing Abbott to Setn's Costello , and takes the role of action hero , with most of the stunts falling to him . Leaving him the more favored character throughout the movie .

Cameron Diaz , in all her beauty appears , but that is about the length of it . She plays the love interest , of whom I do not know . But fails to have a purpose in the film , and leaves one wondering if she is hoping for more in a sequel , playing a Villian QUEEN BEE .

Battlestar Galactica fans would be please to see Edward James Olmos , playing the newspaper mentor . However not fulling his full acting potential , mostly due to the small part .

Was it worth the 3D ? I am hard press to site a scene where the 3D made the film better than the normal 2D . Some smoke and glass were flying around , and made me blink twice , but that was about it .

I expect the film to be as popular as the original TV series , and break even enough to spawn the sequel , and with a dry spell in the cinema , this could do the job of filling quite a few seats . But a CLASSIC , no .

The Movie Keeps begging the question, TO SPOOF or NOT TO SPOOF ?

IF you are a fan of the original , by all means go and see it on the big screen, but for the rest of us , it is just a night out of the house .