Wednesday, February 5, 2014

RoboCop (2014)

RoboCop is a 2014 American science fiction action film directed by José Padilha. 

With a $130 million price tag on this film reboot , Colombia Pictures has hedged heavily on this reboot . 

With no stinger or extras during the credits , one does wonder about a sequel . But all $130 million is seen on the screen , special effects are good through out the film . 

Almost undetectable except in battle sequences between the hero and his large counter-part.

The story remains the same as the 1987 with some modern twist , the updates make the hero far more aware as they begin , but his awareness and emotions is faded in the middle by order of the evil bad guy , and a turn of heart leads to RoboCop rescue and victory in the end .

Does the story of man or machine , still ring through today ? In 1987 many could barely understand computers , far less dream of the Internet . 

In 2014 RoboCop is nearer to reality than fantasy , and this give far rise to the more moral questions that are scratch on the surface, and fail to have the deep moral discussion that could have been explored.

Actor Joel Kinnaman is the wounded police officer transformed into the Crime-Fighting Cyborg, to say the acting by him was emotional or wooden in parts , is only to say he did exactly what was required of him in the script.

Actor Gary Oldman is once again amazing , did not recognize him until after the film was over and the credits rolled. 

While Samuel L Jackson must have been pissed , spending days in front of a blue screen , only interaction was with Michael Keaton .

At the end of the day , the truth is , the special effects are the star of the film ,  and as a result the story feels like it suffered . In 1987 where more of the action was done in real , the 2014 digital special effects add to the excitement , and the dialogue to establish character and story-line was not there .

An opening sequence, with the occupation of Tehran by American force , don't expect a box office bump from it's release in IRAN.

With a run time of less than two hours , I felt a lot more could have been included , and I hope to see much more in an extended DVD . But definitely a must see on the big screen , if just for the roller coaster ride of action , car chases and special effects .

Digicel Imax, WoodBrook, Port-of-Spain

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Jack Ryan : Shadow Recruit


In an era of James Bond, Jason Bourne and the numerous spy genre movies, this Jack Ryan's reboot is added to the pile of spy movies. The question is are we a spy movie viewers anymore ? The plot of economic disaster to be put upon the USA, and a threat of a SECOND DEPRESSION never seemed feasible. After the bursting of the recent Housing bubble, if that did not bring down the USA economic system , no evil Russian Dr.No villain will .

Jack Ryan, the blue eyed boy scout, can do no wrong , analyst protagonist is promoted to field-operative, which feels like such a stretch, it is not bought by the audience.

Viktor Cherevin, (Kenneth Branagh) an enigmatic Russian businessman, out to destroy the world falls flat. A big building and a unsecured computer network, does not make a super villain.

Cathy Muller, played by Keira Knightley, as usual seems to be there for distraction and decoration, feeding into the damsel in distress syndrome.

Is Jack Ryan, Superman ? Could he die ? I do not believe at any time during the movie he was in jeopardy, he will not die or be injured . This leaves you in a state of disbelief , basically a major scene to make him human , turns him into a do-it-all marine , although emotionally scarred .

The Action sequences are unexciting, I think some people in the cinema were actually yawning . The car chases are without moments of thrill ( see Fast & Furious series ), Villian vs Hero dialogue is absent ; everything required to setup an action spy thriller. To the point where you believe it is accountant vs accountant spy thriller .

Did Director Kenneth Branagh fail ? Did actors Chris Pine or Kevin Costner fail ? I do not think so, the film falters in the script, where nothing is truly believable.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Friday, August 12, 2011

30 Minutes or Less ( 2011 )

30 Minutes or Less is a comedy and it is fun and funny . If you fall into the correct age group . I am not taking my parents , and the foul language makes it well worth the MPAA rating of "R" of restricted , even had all the guns, shootings and criminal behavior was absent .

The Villains 
The movie stars Jesse Eisenberg and Aziz Ansari, and the team makes the comedy work, to the point that if they are teamed up again , I would mark in down as another movie to go see . If they are a future comedy team of the likes of Abbott and Costello, Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder or Cheech and Chong , it promises to be a great series of films .

Black-mailed into Robbing a Bank .

The film is built on the their friendship , in a forgiving dialogue at the start of the film , however the same is not done for the villains of the film . As such character development does not occur , you never really feel they are in jeopardy or danger . The comedy prevails as one stupid event leads into another , and nothing does go according to plan .

Escape from the HEAT .

So the movie goes like this , pizza guy and friend , delivery gone wrong , bomb , rob bank , car chase , stand off , phone calls , stand off , the good guys win .

Of course , the good guys win , and the bad guys get their just deserves .

the Sexy and Gorgeous : Dilshad Vadsaria 

The film is like junk food , if you are hungry , you go and eat , and you will be satisfied . But this is not an Oscar winning film in no sense at all .

Stinger : stay till after the final credits for and additional scene .

Twitter hash tag #30mol

Run Time is 83 minutes .

Rated "R" Restricted . For Sex, Violence and Language.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 )

Rise of the Planet of the Apes . ( 2011 )

Apes will Rise .

Such is the tag line of the movie , and the Apes do Rise . 

The Storyline is quite simple , through a series of unfortunate events ; and the development of a new drug , delivered with a virus . Apes Rise . Caesar , is the first , and then come the others , and the revolution beings .

The apes are real , Special Effects are NOT Noticeable at all . We have come a 1000 years from Arnold Scharwergger's horrible appearance in a Terminator 3 , or the Scorpion King in the Mummy 2 .  

Watch out for all the nods to the original films , the launch of the ICARCUS spaceship carrying Charton Heston in the original 1968 movie , as well as Heston appearing on a TV in the background . And Of course the infamous line is spoke "Get Your Hands Off Me, You Damn Dirty Ape"    

What is most interesting , and is not addressed directly in the movie , is not the demise of mankind , or the rise of the apes , but the story of the apes .

Caesar address the basics problem of revoluntary leaders everywhere , ape is weak , apes together are strong . And the true cynic in the film , state a fact , APES STUPID .

And this bring up a question , when was the script written ? The question arises when the revolution starts . One gets the sense that the recent revolution in the middle east Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria , stirred on the story . Did art imitate life , or did life imitate art ? Or has the revolution become so predictable , we can insert the template into a script .

In 1979 , the Shah of Iran fell to people power , protest in the streets . In 2009 those same leaders of 1979 , shot citizens in the street .

The Apes are not in fact Apes , they are  young people , the next generation . 
Who shall inherit the reigns of leadership ?
Where is our Caesar ?  

Twitter hash tag #apeswillrise

Friday, May 13, 2011

Priest ( 2011)

Priest , in 3D . Is based on the Korean graphic novel of the same name .

Storyline goes , Not long ago there was the war , between Vampires and Man . Peace now exist , but an incident , promises to in flame the situation .

Walking into the cinema , the only information I had was that it was a vampire movie , and what everyone was thinking was , is this UNDERWORLD 4 or BLADE 4 ? There is no werewolves like in UNDERWORLD and vampires are not fighting vampires like in BLADE .

The opening sequence before the credits takes place before the war , and following along the story lines of GOLDENEYE (1995) , Agent 006 will emerge to take on 007 in the big finale . Along a very basic storyline that runs for some 87 odd minutes .

The lack of names in the movie applies to the lack of character development , names like PRIEST the hero , BLACK HAT the villain , PRIESTESS the love interest , these characters are flat , two dimensional , and all that leave is the Action to carry the film .

The finale action sequence fails on multiple levels , battle sequence between the hero and the villain , need some help from the MATRIX team . And stopping the army of evil falls to the female love interest , which also could have used TRINTY from the MATRIX series .

Basically , you have no sympathy for the heroes because the people and city they save , are the living dead . And had the vampires had wiped them off the map , you probably would not have cared either . The construct of the world in which they live is far removed from the events of the film .
Clearly the writing for the film , needed more work , the backstory is glossed over in the first few minutes of the film . And because of this the story is very incomplete , taking us straight to the action is Hollywood way of appealing to the youngest demographic of the movie going audition . And coming from a graphic novel this may have been , how they believed , the best way going about it .

Coming around to the failed fight scene in the end , and comparing it to the MATRIX series , NEO and AGENT SMITH , had three films to develop the relationship with the audience , and have their background to the character grow .

Does Priest have super powers ? Where did they come from ? We all know vampires will be vampires .

3D , well the film was filmed in 2D , and then converted to 3D , they wasted their time . None of the scene are worth mentioning in 3D .  And pushing back the film to release in 3D , was a waste too .

So maybe the sequel will have some personality .

Priest get placed in the same box was I am Number Four . If you like the start of a series of film , and will never be made .

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thor ( 2011 )

From the Stuido that Brought You IRON MAN

Thor , God of Thunder , has come to the big screen . Marvel Studio is on such a role , people are wondering if there a difference between Hugh Hefner and Stan Lee , and if the Playboy Mansion will double for the Marvel Mansion . Because I think Stan Lee has as much money , if not more , than Hugh Hefner .

Sorry back to the film .

Thor , played by Chris Hemsworth , the Australian Hunky from "Down Under" , straight from his Star Trek ( 2009 ) cameo and three years of the Aussie soap "Home and Away" . 

Odin , played by the great Anthony Hopkins , who was completely unfamilar with the comic books or Norwegian Legends , but came to do the part after reading the script's appeal, to the father and son relationship .

Loki , played by Tom Hiddleston came through working previously with director Kenneth Branagh , the character plays is the grumpy little brother , who wants to be king too . 

King of Asgard must choose his successor from the two princes , Thor or his brother Loki , which would one day ascend to the throne . ( Take a guess )

But the threat of the Frost Giants stand in the way .

Needless to say arrogance steps in , and Thor gets punished , he is send to Earth , stripped of his powers . Now I do not know if anyone less notice , but if getting send to Earth is begin punished , then someone is punishing all of us .

Needless to say he falls in love with Natalie Portman , who wouldn't , and finds redemption on Earth . He returns to Asgard the prodigal son .

The film works as an action film , with battle scenes with Thor and his crew , fighting Frost Giants and a PROTECTOR . The old mid-west town battle sequence for some reason reminded me of Superman II , Christopher Reeves and Terrance Stamp fighting it out in downtown Metropolis .

The one thing everyone agreed on was the 3D was the sh*t , for the first time since the 3D thing start in the last 2years , this was the film for it . Everything seemed real for the first time , the depth , the feel and the FLYING sequences were real . With the new 3D , Superheroes can FLY .

We have no access to IMAX here , but serious discussions were held about going to one, to see it in IMAX .

The Love in the film was 2D , there is no deep relationship , between the characters ; I did not feel the love , and I am starting to believe it is Natalie Portman . I have seen her in the Star Wars , No Strings Attached and now In Thor , and I am wondering is she can be passionate on the screen . Such a shame for such a sexy actress .

Watch out for the tongue in cheek Humour , and Stan Lee's cameo , "Did it work !!!"  

Awesome movie for the boys , and just to keep the ladies entertained watch out for the shirt-less scene with Thor . 

Stick it out till after the credits , for a stinger , on the upcoming Avengers Movie , and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury .

Then hold your breath for Captain America coming this summer .


Friday, April 22, 2011

Water for Elephants ( 2011 )

Water for Elephants ( 2011 )

Water for Elephants stars, Reese Witherspoon as Marlena Rosenbluth , the star attraction at the Circus and wife of the owner / ringmaster ; Robert Pattinson as Jacob Jankowski , the lonely poor orphan boy , intelligent and bright , wandering the open road of America ; Christoph Waltz as August Rosenbluth , as the Ringmaster ; but the star and hero of the film is "Tai" as "Rosie, the elephant" who saves the circus .

Set in the Great American Depression of the 1930s , where no one has any money , and worse than that , any booze . Prohibition just stinks , good hard working circus performers need a bit of the good stuff to carry them thru the day .

The story line is a little thin , but takes a long time getting to the end . The acting is good , and the period of the 1930s comes across well , but the hard sell is the chemistry between these people . The hubsand and wife seem to be in a loveless marriage , and in the end the film seems like a loveless movie .

But what is love ?

This is Francis Lawrence third time in the director's chair the first and second being Constantine (2005) with Keanu Reeves , and I Am Legend (2007) with Wil Smith · Water for Elephants (2011) also has the star power of Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson .

The question now is does Robert Pattinson have the box office draws of the Twilight Movies , or is it the popularity of the Twilight books ?

Coming back to Francis Lawrence , he has wandered away from a strong action based / special effects in his first two films , to a more character driven films in the story of the People of the Benzini Brother's Travelling Circus .

As many of my friends pointed out in the end , the real stars of the film were the animals , cause that is all they talked about , imagine you have a circus movie , without animals . It just does not work . Everyone you could tell wanted more animals , and more story to the animals . You wanted to know more about the horses , the lions , the dogs , the monkey and of course the ELEPHANT .

By the way all you PETA members , out there walk with your box of tissues , this one is a real tear jerker for you PETA guys and gals .

The movie is nice swing away from the Romantic-Comedy , but hardly fits the mold of a Love Story .

Watch for the old time New York Scenes , with the Empire State building and the Brooklyn Bridge in the background .

Also there is not stinger , after the movie , but if you do stay through the credits , you will notice the cast credits are done in the old time layouts :

"Marlena Rosenbluth..................................................................................Reese Witherspoon"

The list of Stuntmen goes on and on and on , but the stunts are so intergrated into the movie you do not see them , in train jumping and the stampede scenes .

The movie is a classic piece of movie making , and could be used to teach film students "HOW TO MAKE A FILM" , yet the story and the acting does not appeal to the mass audience . I am worried if it should make back it's $40 million budget .

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Paul ( 2011 )

Paul ( 2011 )

Two nerd from England go to the United States to attend a Comic Convention , and do a road trip to the famous UFO landmarks . They run into an alien , and help him get home .

The movie is a nerd / geek trip , and I being a geek , had a hard time following some of the stuff . Sure we all know Area 51 , and Roswell , New Mexico , but the "the Black Mailbox" was a little outside my field of knowledge .

For more on the Black Mailbox : 
Info :   
Location :
Picture :

The movie maintains normal storyline , the heroes , the victim , the bad guys and the final showdown . Yet through it all , it becomes a buddy movie , discussion of friendship , girls , marijuana , alcohol , the size of one's own sexually organ ( you know penis ) , Paul quickly becomes one of the boys .

The movie gives nods to , Close Encounters of the Third Kind , Star Trek , Star Wars , Aliens , Back to the future ,and Mac & Me . Many would be lost to normal people , but to the geekworld it is really cool . I found a list of all the inside the jokes at :

A read through before going to see the film would increase the enjoyable factor by at least three . Nothing mentioned in the movie connections would be a spoiler .

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost

Does the film work ? YES the general public can go and see a buddy movie , an action / chase movie , a comedy movie and a science fiction movie and come out feeling like they got their money's worth .

Then there are those of us who will recognize the music from the Canteen Scene in Star Wars : Episode IV , and lines like "Boring Conversation anyway." and " Get say from her , YOU BITCH ! " . For us the movie works on an entirely different level .

Paul will never fall into the category of a classic , but will appeal to the young and older science fiction fans , and the chicks that they drag along kicking and screaming will get a laugh out of it too.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hanna ( 2011 )

Hanna , a 16 year old with 16 years in training , for just one mission , to kill Marissa Wiegler .

Trained by her father Erik Heller ; Marissa Wiegler must die .

Hanna and her father are in isolation near the Artic Circle in Finland . When she is ready , she will go on her mission .

We enter at the correct time , So the chase begins .

Details emerge , who is Hanna ? what is Hanna ? who is Hanna's mother ?

But the action sequences are perfectly European ; No Arnie or Stallone here ; the choerography of the fight sequences brought a sense of fear from this little girl . A Demon Killer .

Saoirse Ronan plays the character  to perfection , the blond , blue eyes set the character as a cool , confined master killer ; until she is faced with the real world of barbie dolls and bimbos . Clearly Saoirse Ronan is a name to be remebered with lots more Box Office draw to come .

Eric Bana and Cate Blanchett , seem stiff in their roles , written as CIA agents , personalities were not required .

The film's background of Finland , Morocco and Berlin , also the film a non-western feel , giving the matter a of James Bond fight the old Eastern Bloc of Communist goverment .

The only thing American about the film is the CIA headquaters and building .

The film works as a master piece of modern cinema . European . There is no action sequence , no show down at the OK corral , and most American audience will be waiting for the big HUAH at the end , the big gun fight . They will be disappointed . Yet if you are a believer in HANNA , going for her Mission ; no doubt her internal struggle between her training and her being a little girl ; HANNA wins in the end .

The film follows a thread , of all the "La Femme Nikita" films and tv series .


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sucker Punch ( 2011 )

Sucker Punch ( 2011 )

OMG is short hand used on the Internet by young people , it means Oh My God .

This film has a very simple story , some young ladies try to escape an institution , plain and simple . Yet to vamp up the stakes and to get young audience interested , the girls enter a fantasy world , zombie Nazis , Orcs and a Castle , Killer Robots all make an appearance in the course of the preparations to escape .

Zombie Nazis are a nod to the zombie and world war films . The Orcs in Castle sequence nods to the Lord of the Rings series , and the killer robots , feels like Will Smith's I,Robot film .

Yet each sequence plays out like a Playstation , Wii or XBox game . The film goes beyond typical action shoot them ups ; of the Rambo or Terminator films . The action special effects go so far past the limited of film , I was wondering if the kid in the row in front of me had brought his XBox controller , and was controlling the action on the screen .

The film surely hits a demographic ; teenage boys who like video games and girls . The five lead girls in the script who set out on the escape , scantly dressed in the fantasy dreams sequences with samurai swords and machine guns works , to the seventeen year old hormone raging teenager with his blood pumping . These perfect female fighting zombie-killing and orc-killing , can be the direct extraction from their own Wet Dreams .

The soundtrack however contains a 1970s Jefferson Airplane song and a 1980s Queen remix , which should re-introduce a new generation to some old classics .

The story is so short , fantasy sequences make up the majority of the film . Had we left out the fantasy sequence the run time of the film would have been forty five minutes , and I would have left the cinema with some respect to the writer and director . Natural I left disgusted , that I throw good money behind the price of a cinema ticket .

"Just because we can do something , does not automatically mean we should do something" - Jurassic Park

This quote came to me during the film , the prevailing use of special effects through the film industry and especially this movie , made me wonder ; How long did these girls spend in front of the green screen ? How long did they spend suspend from wires swing around in front of a green screen to get that shot ? Was it all worth it ?

I do not know what the director's or writer's vision was , but the film just feels like it was made by high school or university students with too much of a budget . Characters were never developed , personalities were non-existent , the star of the movie was the special effects . How far could they push the envelope of special effects action sequences , and get the audience to accept it ?

I would advise everyone to give the movie a miss , unless you are the demographic of a video games junkie . And if you are an action movie junkie , go see it in the IMAX format .

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Battle - Los Angeles (2011)

Aliens Invade !

And the good people of earth fight back , Defending their home .

All Civilians are to be evacuated inland . Leading the government attempt to save the citizens from the invading army , is the Proud , the Few , the Marines , Semper Fi .

After the normal first encounter butt kicking from a superior force , this small band on Heroes re-group ; and re-engage the enemy .

In the end , we fight to a draw .

But do not worry , as the credits roll , we are going back for more .

The movie is an ongoing battle scene , and the gun battles barely pause for a breather , before it starts back again . Making it truly a boy's movie , a friend of mine tagged it as RAMBO 6 . He expected Arnold and Sylvester to appear out Beverly Hills in a pimped up Hummer , machine guns blazing .

The continuous violence and heroism was a little to much for older audience , but the young people ate it up , cheering on the marines .

Michelle Rodriguez , known for tough-chick roles , has once again been type-casted in her role from Resident Evil and S.W.A.T. as the bad ass soldier . If I was ever in trouble , I know who I would like to have come rescue me .

In the end the film seems like an infomercial for military recruitment , be a hero is the message , and I am sure the recruitment numbers are up for the month of the film's release .

Another movie doomed for late night re-runs on cable television .

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau ( 2011 )

Do we control our destiny, or do unseen forces manipulate us?

The Adjustment Bureau features Matt Damon as David Norris, a man who glimpses the future and what Fate has planned for him and realizes ; he wants something else.

Promises of political success in the senate , and the ability to change the world in years to come . Yet to wander of the reservation , out side of the plan , is to doom his dreams . Love or Glory , Fate or Free Will ?

Will he accept a predetermined path . . or risk everything to defy Fate and be with her.

The movie is based on a short story by Philip K. Dick . The story lends itself to religious belief , asking about angels and "the chairman" . But really relies on the question of Free Will as compares to Destiny or Karma . Do you believe that the choices you make change the direction of your life , or is everything predetermine . If you knew what your life was going to be , would you change it ? If you knew the person you loved was the one , and being together destroys the world , would you , could you , walk away .

Then as if , when you make a decision to fight for what you want , and fight for what you believe .

RUN ! ! !

The film does work , for the correct demographic ;

  • You have to believe in TRUE LOVE .
  • You have to believe that everyone has TRUE LOVE .
  • You have to believe in Happy Endings
The film is an excellence FIRST DATE movie , you can definitely find out alot about a person based on what they think of this film . Women will love the story , as David Norris is such a good person , a knight in shining armour . He comes back for the woman he loves .

But THE ENDING , I walked out the cinema , unfulfilled , I did not know why , until i did some research about the movie before writing this review .

THE ENDING is an alternate ending , filmed four months after the movie was completed . For whatever reason the ending was changed ; I have a funny feeling I would have preferred the orginal ending , but i guess we have to wait for the DVD .

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Lincoln Lawyer ( 2011 )

When a slick Los Angeles lawyer lands what appears to be a cut-and-dry case involving a notorious Beverly Hills playboy , he thinks it's money in the bag . However , things soon take a more sinister turn . . .

Matthew McConaughey stars in , The Lincoln Lawyer , Micheal Connelly's book of the same name , as Mickey Haller , a Los Angeles based Lawyer . Wheeling and Dealing from the backseat of his car , A Lincoln . Slight of hand and deception are the normal operating procedure .

Getting a big time case , and putting the pieces together , Mr. Haller must come to terms with his moral dilemma , that he has put an innocent man is in jail and he is defending a guilty one . When his family is threatened , things get dirty .

Micheal Connelly's book is provides enough drama and intrigue to keep the movie going down to the end . As the storyline does work .

Matthew McConaughey provides an excellent performance as the slick Lawyer , the role seems to fit him , so someone has finally cast this square peg into a square hole . Marisa Tomei does equal justice to her role as a public prosecutor , a far cry from her "My Cousin Vinny" Oscar winning performance and "What Women Want" with crazy Mel Gibson .

If you are looking for the next "A Few Good Men" or a real courtroom drama like "12 Angry Men" you are in for a disappointment , the movie plays more like a detective movie , whodunit and who-REALLY-dunit . It was the butler in library with the candlestick . Everybody has a theory , the prosecutors , the defense , the victim and the truth gets lost somewhere along the way .

By the end of the film , you really do not care about any of the characters and wonder if the justice system will every really work . Lawyers in America are so loved , Mickey Haller turns out to be something of an Anti-Hero , but not a villain ; he just seems to be working the system to turn himself a dollar . Leaving everyone disappointed in the end .

Buy it now on :

For those of you following the exploits of Lawyer Mickey Haller , Micheal Connelly follows up with three more books ; The Brass Verdict , The Reversal and The Fifth Witness .

The Trailer

The Author Speaks about his Book .

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hall Pass ( 2011 )

When a wife is fed-up of her husband , she gives him a HALL PASS . One week off from marriage . A whole week , he can do whatever he wants , he is THE SINGLE MAN .

But is being SINGLE , all it is cracked up to be .

The film is truly FUNNY . Complaints come in terms of the variety of humour , basically there is a joke in here for EVERYONE . And this is where the problem lay , the humour can be very ha-ha funny , to downright rude , and a full nude scene . So be prepared to be offended , at some point in the film , it will go to FAR .

GOING TO FAR , is actually what the film is all about . FREEDOM of being single , but only for seven days ( DA-DUM ( Law and Order )) , and how far will you go in those seven days . Married people will related to part of the story , and single people will not be able to understand the HALL PASS part , but relate to living "LA VIDA LOCA" , the single life .

the Directors are from "Dumb and Dumber" and "There is Something About Mary" , and this film goes in the same direction , and surpasses them . The feeling is that the cast know each other , the wives know the husbands , and the husbands are truly friends .

Owen Wilson , has finally found a script and an actor Jason Sudikies , that show his true talent . I am certainly no Owen Wilson fan , but he brought the film together with good dialogue and writing to perform .

Watch out for Nicky Whelan , this Australian actress , the coffee waitress at the DRIP , she truly steals the movie from the wives ( wives what wives ? , were are not married ) as the female lead , as most people are not interested in where or what the wives were up too .

The wives are of course ready for their own mischief in the process ; dealing with their own issues of the HALL PASS .

But like all good movies , the morals overcome all , and the couples are happy in the end , and we suppose they all live happily ever after .

Watch out for Alyssa Milano in a cameo appearance .

STINGER : about 60 seconds after the credits roll , there is an additional scene for their British friend , so sit and wait for it .

Buy it now on :