Friday, August 12, 2011

30 Minutes or Less ( 2011 )

30 Minutes or Less is a comedy and it is fun and funny . If you fall into the correct age group . I am not taking my parents , and the foul language makes it well worth the MPAA rating of "R" of restricted , even had all the guns, shootings and criminal behavior was absent .

The Villains 
The movie stars Jesse Eisenberg and Aziz Ansari, and the team makes the comedy work, to the point that if they are teamed up again , I would mark in down as another movie to go see . If they are a future comedy team of the likes of Abbott and Costello, Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder or Cheech and Chong , it promises to be a great series of films .

Black-mailed into Robbing a Bank .

The film is built on the their friendship , in a forgiving dialogue at the start of the film , however the same is not done for the villains of the film . As such character development does not occur , you never really feel they are in jeopardy or danger . The comedy prevails as one stupid event leads into another , and nothing does go according to plan .

Escape from the HEAT .

So the movie goes like this , pizza guy and friend , delivery gone wrong , bomb , rob bank , car chase , stand off , phone calls , stand off , the good guys win .

Of course , the good guys win , and the bad guys get their just deserves .

the Sexy and Gorgeous : Dilshad Vadsaria 

The film is like junk food , if you are hungry , you go and eat , and you will be satisfied . But this is not an Oscar winning film in no sense at all .

Stinger : stay till after the final credits for and additional scene .

Twitter hash tag #30mol

Run Time is 83 minutes .

Rated "R" Restricted . For Sex, Violence and Language.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 )

Rise of the Planet of the Apes . ( 2011 )

Apes will Rise .

Such is the tag line of the movie , and the Apes do Rise . 

The Storyline is quite simple , through a series of unfortunate events ; and the development of a new drug , delivered with a virus . Apes Rise . Caesar , is the first , and then come the others , and the revolution beings .

The apes are real , Special Effects are NOT Noticeable at all . We have come a 1000 years from Arnold Scharwergger's horrible appearance in a Terminator 3 , or the Scorpion King in the Mummy 2 .  

Watch out for all the nods to the original films , the launch of the ICARCUS spaceship carrying Charton Heston in the original 1968 movie , as well as Heston appearing on a TV in the background . And Of course the infamous line is spoke "Get Your Hands Off Me, You Damn Dirty Ape"    

What is most interesting , and is not addressed directly in the movie , is not the demise of mankind , or the rise of the apes , but the story of the apes .

Caesar address the basics problem of revoluntary leaders everywhere , ape is weak , apes together are strong . And the true cynic in the film , state a fact , APES STUPID .

And this bring up a question , when was the script written ? The question arises when the revolution starts . One gets the sense that the recent revolution in the middle east Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria , stirred on the story . Did art imitate life , or did life imitate art ? Or has the revolution become so predictable , we can insert the template into a script .

In 1979 , the Shah of Iran fell to people power , protest in the streets . In 2009 those same leaders of 1979 , shot citizens in the street .

The Apes are not in fact Apes , they are  young people , the next generation . 
Who shall inherit the reigns of leadership ?
Where is our Caesar ?  

Twitter hash tag #apeswillrise